Friday, June 8, 2018

My Firstborn in June

The dawn came in with a hail storm the sixth day of June.  The Preacher man in black appeared in the waiting room...perhaps an Angel God sent in at the right moment to calm the anxiety of a young Father and the Grandmother of the baby that was being born.  He said a prayer with them and went on his way.

In the operating room was a young Mother-to-be waiting on the Doctor to perform a C-Section and deliver her firstborn.  And all of a sudden, it happened. The face of a beautiful baby boy was looking up at his Momma for the first time.
I immediately gave thanks to our Lord and then admired the little miracle placed on my chest.  He was beautiful in all ways!

My pregnancy went very well although I was very young.  I didn't have a life reference manual to go by.  I did have my faith in a Living God who gave me my baby and Brad's Dad,who made sure I ate carrots when the baby's eyes were being formed and drank plenty of milk when the baby's bones were developing. And anything else we could research that would help in the formation of our little miracle.  One of my main cravings while pregnant was sauerkraut and wieners.  To this day, my son enjoys everything fermented!

I'll always remember our drive home from the hospital.  The sunny cool morn, the slow ride passing Central Park on the way to the Clark household on Weymouth Drive.  We had a huge support system of family to help us through the becoming young parents.  Lots of Love for our new addition. When we arrived home, we immediately took him back to our bedroom, unwrapped him from the little bunny blanket my Mom made, and looked at his little self.  We raised him up in our hands and dedicated him to our Lord.  We thanked the Lord for Brad and for allowing us to have him.  We asked for guidance in raising Brad and began our journey.

A Friday early morning child...born under Venus and full of a loving/giving and artistic spirit.  My boy, who now is an adult, loves to socialize and engage in the pleasantries of life. Brad loves color in all things.  The color of life.  He strives for balance and does as pretty good job of balancing all of his obligations.  When he needs a little more balance, he mixes up his morning drink of lemon, apple cider vinegar, cayenne and maple syrup. 

I just had to write again, in celebration of my firstborn, and the color he brings to my life!  The role is reversing a little.  He's now my Teacher guiding me into new foods, new technology and new travels.  Bring on the dawn with cool June mornings and new things to explore. I'm in good hands.