Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Season of Christ's Birth

A Special Star created in the Heavens

Numbers 24:17
"...A Star shall come out of Jacob and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel"

I've had a renewed joy in studying new details about the season of Christ's birth. 
I've been reading a book that includes narratives by Rabbi Jason Sobel, Messianic Jew.
As he shares knowledge of Hebrew meanings to words, areas of the Bible and significance of details as it pertains to the daily life of the people living in The Holy Land B.C. and after Christ, I truly find a renewal in my soul and in my faith realizing God's supreme purpose in every detail of creation and life.  This in itself helps me today in my own life...reminding my mind and heart to not worry about how things are going to work out at the end of the day.  It's all in God's hands. 

When I researched "Sceptre" as it pertains to Jesus Christ, several things came into my view like a Sceptre is a rod or staff (Shepherd's Crook).  It is a sovereign symbol of supreme authority.  Ofcourse it is! The Son of God, King of Kings and "man child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron, be called up unto God and to his throne" as found in Revelations 12:5 establishing our Saviour's authority.

Wise men were led to the Christ child by a Star

Matthew 2:9
This Star "went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was"

Curiously I've wondered about the Bethlehem Star.  After researching I've discovered it really was a supernatural event, a supernova. Normally stars do not move in the sky as they rise in the East and set in the West and circle around celestial poles.  The Virgin Birth itself was a supernatural event and cannot be explained by natural laws.  So, it should not be surprising that the Birth of the Son of God would be accompanied by a supernatural sign in the Heavens that was previously mentioned in Numbers 24:17, a detail allowed by God.

Nativity in Bethlehem

A Holy Delivery Room...a Birthing Cave for sacrificial lambs was kept in a state of ritual purity since these lambs were used as sacrifices in the temple and male lambs born around Bethlehem would be used for the Passover (Rabbi Jason). 

The shepherds...oh the special shepherds, were Levitical Shepherds, who guarded their sheep used for sacrifices in the temple in Jerusalem, were given a message by an angel of the Lord..."For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord". Luke 2:11

"And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes...
 lying the a manger." Luke 2:12

 This is a beautiful Scripture to me now realizing how special and significant the "swaddling clothes" were in the eyes of the people beholding their first view of the Christ child.  The clothes were cloths used for swaddling sacrificial lambs to keep them clean and prevent blemishes before taking them to the temple.  It is believed by Hebrew scholars that these cloths were made from Jewish Priests' tunics.  Any priestly garment would not be destroyed even though it was badly stained.  It would be used for another holy purpose like making wicks for a menorah or swaddling cloths for the sacrificial lambs. YES, God takes care of all details.

Luke 2:13-14
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

I hope you do your own research into the word of God and find your own answers. What I've read recently has opened my mind to the beauty and significance of God's order of things that happen and are to come.  Keeping your faith strong requires going to the Source...Almighty God and His Word.

Merry Christmas With Love

Sunday, November 4, 2018

To Be or Not to Be....Entitled

It's such a finicky thing.
Makes me feel uneasy.

Does this sense of entitlement become a way of life if you are:

-born into it
-buy into it
-mimic it
-strive for it

-get by with it


Do you choose it?

I've seen different examples of it in my life.  

Greed, ungrateful hearts, entitlement
Where does it begin and where does it end?

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Which Way To Go From Here

                          Which Way to Go From Here

God has brought you to a place.  Life is changing.  
It's hard to know which way to go from here.
So, just sit still.

Place God back on His Throne.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways, acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct thy paths.
-Proverbs 3:5-6, KJV

Isn't God "Sovereign"?
He reigns in all situations and takes care of all the details.
I've been focusing on this lately.
Distinguishing between the truth and emotional response to reasons change happens.
Sometimes, it's out of our control and decisions of others finally make the change occur.

I'm clinging to my God who sits on His Throne of Glory.

Take time the read Psalms 105 and 106.
If God created the streams in the hills to provide the beasts of the Earth water to revive them,
think about how much more will He provide for His children who are dear to His heart.

Psalms 106:48
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: 
and let all the people say, Amen. 
Praise ye the Lord.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Here Comes the Sun

His mercies are new each morning.  Yes, "weeping may endure for a night...but Joy cometh in the morning...Psalms 30:5.

There are so many experiences in life that can steal your joy.  A loved one's choices that conflict with your lifestyle, your goals and your mindset can interfere with your joy.  Your trusted friend or co-worker can turn on you. A relationship may end.  Your neighbor may not be especially helpful or kind. These situations can be disappointing and leave you struggling at the end of the day.

Remember to ask the Lord to help you...and He will answer your prayer in a way that's best for you.  Remember, each day as the sun rises, is a new day offering new mercies, new answers and perhaps new beginnings.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Kelsey Witte Photographer


We are called to Forgive one another by our Faith in a loving God and His Word.
This does not mean we have to accept someone's choices, wicked words and hurtful ways.
It just means "we" must experience a change of heart ourselves.

Something happens inside of our minds and souls when we Forgive others.
It frees us...the chain of negativity is broken. 

WE then find Peace in the "Garden of our Soul"

It is well in the garden of my soul
It is well in the garden of my soul
The Lord knows my heart and all is well
In the garden of my soul

Written by Angelia Nabors 2001

Forgive others … as God forgives you.
The Book of Matthew 18

Monday, August 13, 2018

PHI - God's Perfection

PHI - God's Perfection

I am amazed at the beauty of our God's Creation, perfect in every detail.

I was recently reminded of His presence in all things.  
He is still taking care of each and every detail in all situations and in all things.

Thank you Lord


Friday, August 10, 2018


Sometimes inspiration comes when you least expect it.  

Color, Nature, the scent of an essential oil, the design of a vintage piece of jewelry or furniture, instrumental hymns, instrumental Latin Jazz, a full-bodied red wine, a nice Sauvignon Blanc, a glass of Champagne poured in a tall flute, spending time with my  
Grands, spending quiet time with my Love, my Sons, my Daughters, Tropical flowers, traveling and cruising, sitting on a beautiful beach, Sea glass, being in the Mountains, sitting by the pond in my hometown's Central Park, enjoying Lexington's scenery, remembering the California Coast, remembering West Virginia, the perfect pan of Jalapeno cornbread, Amish butter, caper berries, fresh Salmon, fresh coffee brewed in my $5 Perc pot, Photography, the sound of my Grandmother Clock, Vintage Glass, the soothing sound of my Love playing the piano, the view out of every window in our home, watching the families of deer from our front porch, seeing the sunrise each morning, being grateful for God's true Love, listening to the voice inside and finding a Watercolor Artist from the Netherlands...Annemiek Groenhout...

Friday, June 8, 2018

My Firstborn in June

The dawn came in with a hail storm the sixth day of June.  The Preacher man in black appeared in the waiting room...perhaps an Angel God sent in at the right moment to calm the anxiety of a young Father and the Grandmother of the baby that was being born.  He said a prayer with them and went on his way.

In the operating room was a young Mother-to-be waiting on the Doctor to perform a C-Section and deliver her firstborn.  And all of a sudden, it happened. The face of a beautiful baby boy was looking up at his Momma for the first time.
I immediately gave thanks to our Lord and then admired the little miracle placed on my chest.  He was beautiful in all ways!

My pregnancy went very well although I was very young.  I didn't have a life reference manual to go by.  I did have my faith in a Living God who gave me my baby and Brad's Dad,who made sure I ate carrots when the baby's eyes were being formed and drank plenty of milk when the baby's bones were developing. And anything else we could research that would help in the formation of our little miracle.  One of my main cravings while pregnant was sauerkraut and wieners.  To this day, my son enjoys everything fermented!

I'll always remember our drive home from the hospital.  The sunny cool morn, the slow ride passing Central Park on the way to the Clark household on Weymouth Drive.  We had a huge support system of family to help us through the becoming young parents.  Lots of Love for our new addition. When we arrived home, we immediately took him back to our bedroom, unwrapped him from the little bunny blanket my Mom made, and looked at his little self.  We raised him up in our hands and dedicated him to our Lord.  We thanked the Lord for Brad and for allowing us to have him.  We asked for guidance in raising Brad and began our journey.

A Friday early morning child...born under Venus and full of a loving/giving and artistic spirit.  My boy, who now is an adult, loves to socialize and engage in the pleasantries of life. Brad loves color in all things.  The color of life.  He strives for balance and does as pretty good job of balancing all of his obligations.  When he needs a little more balance, he mixes up his morning drink of lemon, apple cider vinegar, cayenne and maple syrup. 

I just had to write again, in celebration of my firstborn, and the color he brings to my life!  The role is reversing a little.  He's now my Teacher guiding me into new foods, new technology and new travels.  Bring on the dawn with cool June mornings and new things to explore. I'm in good hands.